Client Agreement

Client Agreement

This Client Agreement («Agreement») is made and entered into by and between («Broker») and the person or entity («Client») who wishes to open an account with the Broker. By opening an account with the Broker, the Client agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

  1. Account Opening

To open an account with the Broker, the Client must complete the account opening process by providing accurate and complete information to the Broker. The Client must provide a valid email address and phone number, which will be used to communicate with the Client regarding their account. The Client must also provide a valid government-issued identification document.

  1. Trading Terms

2.1 The Broker provides access to trading in Contracts for Difference («CFDs») on various underlying assets. The Client understands that trading CFDs involves a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors.

2.2 The Client acknowledges that they have read and understood the risk disclosure statement provided by the Broker, which outlines the risks associated with trading CFDs.

2.3 The Client agrees to abide by the trading terms and conditions set out by the Broker, including but not limited to minimum deposit requirements, leverage limits, and margin requirements.

2.4 The Client acknowledges that the Broker may, at its sole discretion, change the trading terms and conditions at any time without prior notice to the Client.

  1. Deposits and Withdrawals

3.1 The Client may deposit funds into their account using the payment methods provided by the Broker. The Client understands that the Broker may require additional documentation to verify the Client’s identity before accepting a deposit.

3.2 The Client may request a withdrawal of funds from their account, subject to the Broker’s withdrawal policy. The Broker may require additional documentation to verify the Client’s identity before processing a withdrawal.

3.3 The Broker reserves the right to reject a deposit or withdrawal request at its sole discretion.

  1. Trading Platform

4.1 The Broker provides the Client with access to its trading platform, which the Client may use to place trades and monitor their account.

4.2 The Client acknowledges that the trading platform is provided on an «as is» and «as available» basis, and the Broker makes no representations or warranties regarding the availability, functionality, or suitability of the trading platform.

4.3 The Client agrees to use the trading platform in accordance with the instructions and guidelines provided by the Broker.

4.4 The Broker reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Client’s access to the trading platform at any time, without prior notice to the Client.

  1. Confidentiality and Data Protection

5.1 The Broker will collect and process the Client’s personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and the Broker’s privacy policy.

5.2 The Client acknowledges that the Broker may disclose the Client’s personal data to third-party service providers, regulatory authorities, and other parties as required by law or in connection with the provision of the Broker’s services.

5.3 The Client agrees to keep confidential all information provided by the Broker, including but not limited to trading strategies, market analyses, and other proprietary information.

  1. Representations and Warranties

6.1 The Client represents and warrants that:

(a) they are at least 18 years old and have the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement;

(b) they have read and understood this Agreement and the risk disclosure statement provided by the Broker;

(c) all information provided by the Client to the Broker is accurate and complete;

(d) they will not use the Broker’s services for any illegal or unauthorized activities;

(e) they will comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

6.2 The Broker represents and warrants that it will provide its services with reasonable care and skill, and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

  1. Limitation of Liability

7.1 The Broker will not be liable for any losses or damages suffered by the Client, including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of business, or consequential damages, arising from or in connection with the provision of its services, unless such losses or damages are the result of the Broker’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.

7.2 The Broker’s liability to the Client, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, will be limited to the amount of fees paid by the Client to the Broker in the six months preceding the event giving rise to the claim.

  1. Indemnification

8.1 The Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Broker, its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from or in connection with the Client’s use of the Broker’s services or breach of this Agreement.

  1. Termination

9.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving written notice to the other party.

9.2 The Broker may immediately terminate this Agreement and close the Client’s account without prior notice in the event of the Client’s breach of this Agreement, illegal or unauthorized activities, or for any other reason at the Broker’s sole discretion.

9.3 Upon termination of this Agreement, the Client must immediately close all open positions and withdraw any remaining funds from their account, subject to the Broker’s withdrawal policy.

  1. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

10.1 This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

10.2 Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

  1. Miscellaneous

11.1 This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements, whether written or oral.

11.2 The Client may not assign this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the Broker.

11.3 The Broker may assign this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the Client.

11.4 The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of such provision or of the right to enforce it in the future.

11.5 If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.

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